Health & Safety
Health & Safety

As health and safety is at the forefront of what we do everyday, our H&S consultant would be engaged during any transition process to work with you H&S team to ensure that the two businesses policies were aligned and any adjusted process was adapted across the Aotea business accordingly
Aotea are utilising Assure H&S software. Aotea can provide a single monthly report and the Aotea key account manager would have regular meetings to discuss improvement, issues and modifications to any process with your asset/H&S team.
Health and Safety is our number one priority and Aotea have invested heavily in creating a culture of responsibility and accountability at all levels alongside robust systems and processes that ensure we are leaders in our industry space with regard to Health and Safety.
Being a mature group of companies and having a scale to fund significant initiatives, Aotea Group has been a leader in Health and Safety in both the electrical contracting and electronic security sectors of the industry in New Zealand. We are proud that all companies were engaged in the ACC WSMP process and note that Aotea Security (NZ) Ltd holds ACC Tertiary Accreditation. In addition, Aotea Security holds third-party accreditation with multiple vendors.
Aotea Group uses a centralised software system for Health and Safety and Quality Management processes and has deployed this fully across all businesses. The system is known as Vault and has become our central storage and process management tool for these functions. Vault hosts all of our H&S documentation, records our compliance records including near misses and accidents and investigations and is a real-time reminder throughout all levels of our business for process management and escalation to incident. Aotea as a Group has had zero fatalities and no prosecutions.